real estate

New Laws Threaten To Limit Foreign Ownership Of Land Across The Nation

The United States has long seen itself as an open-for-investment free-market bastion. But concerns about national security–and some political grandstanding– could close the doors to foreign buyers, particularly when it comes to farmland. By Kelly Phillips Erb, Forbes Staff The action last week by Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin affected a mere 160 acres of

New Laws Threaten To Limit Foreign Ownership Of Land Across The Nation Read More »

When Selling, How Do You Place A Property In Its Best Light?

Aerial views of luxury home in Acadia National Park, Maine in autumn (Photo by: Joe Sohm/Visions of … [+] America/Universal Images Group via Getty Images) Universal Images Group via Getty Images Whether you’re selling a residential home or a commercial property, showcasing the place in the right way can help you attract not only multiple

When Selling, How Do You Place A Property In Its Best Light? Read More »

Foreign Buyers Cooling On U.S. Housing Are Looking At Panamá Instead

The residential real estate market rarely rocks headlines—despite economically accounting for the largest single share of U.S. gross domestic product (+/- 17%). The Great Recession pushed real estate front and center in the media for a while as the banks collapsed back in 2008. Covid subsequently upended where and how people wanted to live and

Foreign Buyers Cooling On U.S. Housing Are Looking At Panamá Instead Read More »